
Name Address Information

Full Name Thomas Paradis
Address 1455 Lake Egmont Road
Lake Egmont, NS B0N 1Y0
Gender Male
Title Mr.
Race White
Birthday 1993年12月22日 23:15
SIN 018 168 310

Contact Info

Zipcode B0N 1Y0
Street 1455 Lake Egmont Road
Place Lake Egmont
County Halifax
State Nova Scotia
State abbr NS
Phone 434-575-4362 (Central Tel. Co. Of Virginia D)
Mobile 434-222-4362 (Central Tel. Co. Of Virginia D)
Address on the Map

Physical Appearance

Height 5.97 inches (182 cm)
Weight 189.60 pounds (86 kg)
Blood Type 0-
Hair Color Butterscotch
Eyes color Green
Civil Status Married
Educational Background High school diploma or GED
Driver License 551861112751
License plate 229-DNH


Employment Status Full-time work
Salary $4800
Job Clinical embryologist
Company Girard-Germain LLC
IBAN GB53JYZG19774050176238
BBAN CYDQ46262393450808
Currency Egyptian pound
Industry Healthcare Practitioners and Technical Occupations
Credit Card Discover
Credit Card Number 6572107735163972
Expiration Date 03/29
CVV 978


Username patelbenjamin
密码 )I0Z^AYzZv
电子邮件 [email protected]
TLD com
UUID 4c145bbc-4233-43a5-9882-b3f048f26957
MAC db:32:ff:1d:e9:16
IPV6 4c4a:cf9c:d5ff:c377:eecb:821d:6947:270a
MD5 42328a15919d32a10d5ddcdce231b952
SHA1 0dfb194e0529c0ec397b76e5d1a04bc5fadc8f02
SHA256 cbe1f7ac3f7c69a6e22f659bce1f6f0532c29660bc3cca1fcb6dc7fda120fa93
User Agent Opera/8.27.(Windows CE; sd-PK) Presto/2.9.169 Version/10.00
Operation System MAC


Latitude 41.77583
Longitude 140.73667
Time Zone Asia/Tokyo
Favorite Season Spring
Favorite Color Orange
Favorite Book The Road to Wigan Pier (1937)
Favorite Movie Monty Python and the Holy Grail (1975)
Favorite Movie Star Vin Diesel
Favorite Music Art music
Favorite Singer Yngwie Malmsteen
Favorite Song I Could Use a Love Song (Maren Morris)
Favorite Sport Pitch and putt
Favorite TV Show Lucifer (Since 2016)
Favorite Indoor Hobby Crossword puzzles
Favorite Outdoor Hobby Skateboarding
Personality Trait Sensation seeking


Educational Background High school diploma or GED
Driver License 551861112751
License plate 229-DNH