
Name Address Information

Full Name Paulette Bédard
Address 53683 Range Road 223
Ardrossan, AB T8E 2L7
Gender Female
Title Ms.
Race White
Birthday 1991年6月16日 05:12
SIN 018 168 310

Contact Info

Zipcode T8E 2L7
Street 53683 Range Road 223
Place Ardrossan
County Edmonton
State Alberta
State abbr AB
Phone 780-615-8882 (Bragg Communications Inc.)
Mobile 587-982-8882 (Bragg Communications Inc.)
Address on the Map

Physical Appearance

Height 5.94 inches (181 cm)
Weight 174.17 pounds (79 kg)
Blood Type 0+
Hair Color Medium Ash Brown
Eyes color Brown
Civil Status Married
Educational Background Associate and/or bachelor's degree
Driver License R362-6687-1925
License plate 0T 7484I


Employment Status Full-time work
Salary $8600
Job Radio broadcast assistant
Company Asselin PLC and Sons
IBAN GB80SKFF69991580926439
BBAN BAXH00611874761682
Currency Turkmenistan manat
Industry Business and Financial Operations Occupations
Credit Card VISA 19 digit
Credit Card Number 4175331989907701312
Expiration Date 08/31
CVV 437


Username colettelavallee
密码 +%1WOfLlAd
电子邮件 [email protected]
TLD org
UUID 1d8fcf34-0bb8-4d9d-982f-010914009f88
MAC a5:c1:8f:b7:04:52
IPV6 a5e1:f85a:d83d:c87b:cb:4263:cde0:8a87
MD5 2cbfa57c3ca98a32193d5915197d4936
SHA1 b3a8ab320f85943a2300ec4dea6182d9f3c4cf7a
SHA256 dfef1eb0d053bbc8a481bd07c04c5369bc3f9cd68c2e149187fe52b788a2c225
User Agent Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; Intel Mac OS X 10_8_5) AppleWebKit/534.1 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/43.0.850.0 Safari/534.1
Operation System MAC


Latitude 41.82143
Longitude 41.77921
Time Zone Asia/Tbilisi
Favorite Season Summer
Favorite Color Red
Favorite Book A Dog of Flanders (Ouida , 1872)
Favorite Movie Black Hawk Down (2001)
Favorite Movie Star Bette Davis (1908-1989)
Favorite Music Electro
Favorite Singer Amy Lee
Favorite Song Thunder (Imagine Dragons)
Favorite Sport Synchronised swimming
Favorite TV Show The Simpsons (Since 1989)
Favorite Indoor Hobby Woodworking
Favorite Outdoor Hobby Scouting
Personality Trait Grit


Educational Background Associate and/or bachelor's degree
Driver License R362-6687-1925
License plate 0T 7484I